Friday, December 12, 2008

Jerry Lee, Ray and Fats Domino

I know that two of the above 'Stars' had a connection to Indiana. Ray Charles had that infamous run in with the Indianapolis Police Department. If you watched the movie, it is well documented there. Probably embellished some for Hollywood, but I'm sure that it happened, none the less. Don’t remember the outcome of the case, though. Along with robbing the cradle, Jerry Lee was rumored to have rattled the timbers at the Whiteland Barn. I went to the barn a few times in the mid 60s and they had some very entertaining groups play there – so, it would not be out of the question for Jerry Lee Lewis to have played a gig or two at the Barn. Don’t know about Fats Domino. Anyone know about Fats? Does he have any Indiana connections? Great entertainer in his day. Probably on par with Jerry Lee Lewis, but in my opinion, Ray Charles had the most staying power of the three. Or maybe that really translates to star power.

Facts are a little fuzzy about the video.
Occasion: Possibly a Bar Mitzvah for Paul Shaffer’s son or Birthday Bash for Fats Domino - maybe both, Who Knows?
Location: Storyville Jazz Hall, New Orleans, USA
Year: 1986, I think.

Would have loved to have been there. That’s a fact, Jack!


Greybeard said...

The light isn't good for viewing, but I also spied "Rolling Stones" Ronnie Wood on guitar behind Jerry Lee.
"Blue Suede Shoes" Carl Perkins shows up with a huge smile at the end of the video.
Some high octane performers in one small space there!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe that I wasn't allowed to go to the Barn? HAH!
I missed out on way too much culture because of that.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad Bo - I was never at the barn either.


Anonymous said...

FINALLY! I learn that I wasn't the only one! HAH!! I remember feeling like I was the only person at home when EVERYONE was out having fun but me. Boo Hoo!!
Thank you for letting me know it wasn't true after all.
