Friday, August 21, 2009

Valley Newsboy

Dennis Sikes, that was his name.
Odd that I can still remember it. He was 12 and I was 10. His family was getting ready to move out of the house that my second-grade teacher Dora Saunders would move into. Dennis had an "Indianapolis News" paper route. Dennis had pockets that jingled. I wanted pockets that jingled. Due to his move he needed someone to take his route, and I felt I was just the "man" to take it.

But there were a couple obstacles-
-I was too young. I think the Star-News people wanted their carriers to be at least 12.
-My parents also worried I was too young. They also knew that having a paper route would complicate my schedule should we want to take vacations or other time away from home.
But I had my mind set on having change in my pockets, so I persevered.

The route manager, a nice guy by the name of Mr. Hanson, came out and interviewed me, then talked with my parents. When he left the route was mine.
(Mom and Dad immediately set out to insure I knew how to make change.)

I delivered the Indy News evenings, Monday through Saturday, then I got up early Sunday to deliver the Sunday Star...
Seven days a week I delivered newspapers for almost 5 years. My pockets jingled. I saved and bought myself nice things. I was King of my world.
My bundle of papers was delivered at the end of our drive shortly after school let out. I'd pack them into a canvas saddlebag and throw them onto my bicycle (until I was twelve when I bought myself a Cushman Motor Scooter similar to this one), and I'd start out Northbound delivering papers to houses along Morgantown Road toward Bill Doty's Standard Station. Then I'd double back Southbound delivering along the way to old Smith Valley Road where I turned West and worked my way to Paddock Road. There I'd again go North to a couple newer houses near S.V. Road, then back South, over the bridge past Cissy, C&C, and Rita's house, delivering my last paper by simply walking through the back patio and into Ode Perry's old house where I'd lay the paper on their kitchen table. (I can still remember the comfortable smell of that place.)

I think I've written before about how much that route taught me...
Because of it I truly became a "small businessman" and learned ya always gotta have more income than outgo. I learned to save for things I wanted.
Much of my Valley clientele was elderly, so I also learned once in a while there'd be no one to answer the door when you came to collect at week's end. Having developed strong relationships with my customers over those five years, that was tough sometimes.

Doty's Standard Service, Effie's Variety Store, and Don Sutton's grocery were all great places to stop and have a cold refreshing "Ski" and maybe a bag of "Planter's Peanuts" in the summer, while affording a place to thaw out in the cold of Winter.

Papers delivered, there was almost always a pick-up basketball or full-tackle football game to be played at Steve and Danny W's house. (We were talking at our latest mini about the evening David W's collar bone got broken. We tackled tough!)

When it was REALLY cold, the creek would freeze over and we'd ride/slide our bikes up and down that stretch just beneath the old iron bridge. How we kept from breaking some bone while doing that is beyond me!

So there. I've shared some of my smiles with you.
Please, share some Friday-forum smiles with the rest of us.


Hawkeye said...

Hey, I went on that paper route once or twice. Warmed up at Effie’s and drank ski at Don’s store. I knew it well enough to fill in once in a while. I remember I got a new bike out of one of your customers when he backed over my old one.
Thanks TC for allowing us the use of the party barn again. Great place . Nice to see everyone again. The food was great but I think it has something to do with who you are sharing with.
I sorry to say I will not make Karen’s this year. I will be leaving for Florida the day before. Will be saying a prayers for all in need.

Greybeard said...

Yeah Hawk, you probably knew the customers along that route as well as I did. "Mr. Love" was the one that crushed the bike I had borrowed from you by backing without looking.

I'm just remembering two 14-or-so year old boys walking on the ice-covered creek when one of them broke through the ice to his waist and the other was concerned enough about hypothermia that we raced to warm up next to Steve W's potbellied stove. That creek was the venue for many wonderful adventures, wasn't it?...
Fireside campouts, swimming, and the aforementioned bicycle "skid training".

Sorry we'll miss the two of you next month. Be safe traveling and regale us with tall tales when you return, please.

Anonymous said...

Was Fred Doty's store still open when you delivered papers?

Greybeard said...

Please, anonymous folks,
read the request at the top of the "Leave your comment" box...
"Anonymous posts are encouraged, but PLEASE let us know who you are either in the text, or following your comment!"

I cannot recall, anon, but I think that store closed before I took the route. I know they were never a customer.

Greybeard said...

A Carol F. Update:
Carol messaged me that she had her colonoscopy this week and they found and snipped one polyp. As usual, they are sending that tissue for biopsy, but the Doc is not too concerned with what he saw.
Good news Carol, and I hope others are motivated to follow your lead.

Anonymous said...

Hawkeye where are you going in Fl? Graybeard I think Doty's store was open when you had your route. It was open when I had my wreck with my 58 impla. Carol had a very good report.I know how to get my way now just give her benadryl. She will be out for 24 hours. Hawk have a save trip HF

Greybeard said...

Quick warning HF...
We're headed to the Emerald Coast on the 10th and will be there until the 14th. I have a kitchen sink I need to replace there and would love to have your expert advice while doing it.
(Dinner at Kenny D's on me.)
IF you have any interest, check your schedule and see if it's possible.)
More details to follow.

TwoDogs said...

My pockets jingled for awhile. Then I got a change maker(?) Don't know what else to call it. Used to see them on parking attendants at fairs, ballgames, etc. But, they seemed to have dissapeared awhile back. Had a Times route. Wasn't real big - not many people took the Times - they went out of business shortly after I gave it up. Older brother also had a News/Sunday Star route at the same time. Had one customer that was 'scary' to me. Last name as mine - older brother also had her as a customer. Didn't much care to collect from her. Turns out - she wasn't really scary - just, well - a little eccentric. Collected things - lots of things. I guess, back then, the reason I thought she was scary was I imagined she collected little boys. In reality, she would never hurt a fly. Was really a kind hearted, loney soul with a few 'issues'.... Had to give up the paper route when Mom went to off to work in the big city. Spent the next few summers playing hardball at the SVCC, in the fall - playing tackle football in whoever's side yard we could get a game up (mainly 2 doors south of Cissy) and in the wintertime - played basketball in a hayloft. Sometimes, it was so cold, you would have to wear gloves. In between all of that, found plenty of time to ride horses with GoldenGirl, Kent, Peanut and cousin Gary. Ha - sounds like all I did was play. That's not the case. Pulled my share of weeds, painted fences, cut a lot of grass, shoveled a lot of s---, threw hay, cleaned garages, did the nightly dishes(took turns-washing and drying), cleaned my room and even made my brother's bed some mornings - for a prearranged fee...

Anonymous said...

Graybeard, we are checking our schedule and right now that is the best offer i have had in a while. What kind of shape is the counter top in? Twodogs did you ever push your mower down the street to cut grass. I had to go as far as Judy W house, or across the street. Now that was a scarey Dad. I tell people about playing b-ball in the lot and people here laugh, HF

Rita said...


I'm curious about the hayloft. Are you talking about the one falling down across the street from Steve W's or did Featherston's have a hayloft were you could play?

Speaking of scary places, no one ever mentions the guy that lived at the corner of paddock and Old Smith Valley Road on the North East side. Old Man S. It's kinda scary now, knowing that for a long time we had to walk to the corner to pick up the school bus. Not a good place for little kids to hang out.