Friday, September 11, 2009

A Friday For Comtemplation

A small contingent of VK's find themselves in paradise, eating spicy foods and consuming pleasant beverages. It's hard to imagine the anger and confusion we all felt just eight years ago. We're watching Fox News coverage of the memorials in New York and are suprised to see reporters there in heavy jackets, bracing against an uncomfortable wind, while we here deal with sunny skies, 85 degree temps, and the milk green water dashing against the shore. Sara Jean, Cinders, and TwoDogs have already staked out a spot on the beach while I'm here at Kenny D's taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi. H&C are probably on their way to Destin as I type this. We'll all dine at Kenny D's this evening.
Life is tough.

It's hard to be angry under these circumstances but unfortunately we must keep a small fire stoked, lest we forget there are plenty of evil people out there that don't like our freedoms... don't like the way we live.
Three thousand of our brethren died eight years ago today.
Never, never forget!

Now, take a deep breath, reflect on those fighting for your freedom of speech, and speak!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you all are in a happy place this week end. "Hello" to you Beach Bums! Hope you have some tasty fish and fun.

I will never forget Sept. 11, 2001; but it seems so many people have...what happened?


Anonymous said...

On 9-11 I also watched on TV as the jets did the work for some cowards. Hate is a bad word. In this case it is not stong enough.

I got to see the beach bums live and in person. Trust me they are good at it. I hate it that we have to live like this. (someone has too)

Bob I'm sorry we are not going to be home when you head south. We are going to Indy by way of Ohio.

David, Steve, Terry and Patsy Do you remember our deck hand on our fishing trip, Chad. If you watch the VS channel (151 on dish) on september the 27 at 11:30 He will be on TV. He fishs Professionly on the FLW East division. He made the cut in his last tournament in AR. He had a cameraman in the boat. He is 11th in the standings over all.

See ya'll at the mini