Friday, November 27, 2009

Ten Guys From Indiana University-

These guys were selling a Christmas CD on QVC today. Why have I never heard of 'em before?


TwoDogs said...

The best rendition yet. The blending of voices is magical. The whole interaction with each other is fun to watch. Is this on their Christmas CD?

Greybeard said...

No, TD.
Here is the breakdown of stuff on their Christmas album.
(The "Christmas Can-Can" is a hoot and can be seen on YouTube.)

TwoDogs said...

Oh, I thought they were singing about what they wanted for Christmas.... Maybe,just maybe - that is what the 'Christmas Can Can' is about. Again, sometimes my mind works in funny ways..

It sounds as if these guys, out of college for 12/13 yrs and scattered throughout the world - were brought back together by a producer who watched a video posted on YouTube. Neat story.

Anonymous said...

Better than BST--I think not.

Greybeard said...

Let's see...
Anonymous, huh?
Says a lot right there.
Also, did you notice these guys did this a capella?
How would David Clayton Thomas sound without that 90 piece orchestra backing him?
BST did good.
These guys?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I'm with GB, I don't understand the comparison between BST and this group. It's almost the opposite. BST with ALOT of backup (loud) from the orchestra / this group NO backup at all. Seems like Apples to Oranges. Both groups are great.
Happy Thanksgiving (either belated or Very early) to all!


Purple Tabby said...

What's more, they apparently did a fund raiser for Center Grove HS Choir on Nov 17!
Why didn't they tell us?

Greybeard said...

I'm with you PT...
Aren't our "Moles" supposed to keep us advised of such events?!!
I would LOVE to have been there.

Anonymous said...

I figured you were pulling our leg / legs with the fundraiser thing. You were weren't you? I checked the CGHS page under fundraiser / choir and there was nothing listed. If not, I'm with GB . . . . . what happened . . . . . or is this just another one of those ugly rumors?

dj . . . couldn't help but sign . . .

Purple Tabby said...

well, if you go to
and look under Shows, the CG fund raiser is listed. It doesn't say the year so it could have been last year.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't trying to be a dunder head about the show, I just went to the CG sight and didn't see anything on this years old schedule. When you get into the address you gave you're getting way over my internet knowledge as to where to go to find things. I mean, if you can't save it and paste, then I'm in trouble.
Later, dj

Purple Tabby said...

LOL yeah right, DJ

Cissy Apple said...

I discovered these guys over a year ago on YouTube, and right away ordered their Christmas CD. Love 'em.

the golden horse said...

This group was on PBS here tonight. I taped it and am anxious to watch it now. Thanks for the intro to them.