Friday, December 04, 2009

_ _.. (Dah, Dah dit dit)

Short night, and I'm fighting sleep as I post this one.
I'll publish this much, then add to it later.
Got a clue?

Spring 1967?
I've finished Basic Training and Advanced Training and I'm a holdover at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina waiting for my orders sending me to O.C.S. to be cut. I hear this Dude from my High School class is on the base, so I go to visit him.
He's living in this G.P. medium tent!
Now ordinarily that wouldn't be so bad, but it's ********* cold outside right now! They're heating this stupid tent with a stove in the center, just like it's 1867 and his next assignment will be with George Custer out West somewhere!

And what's he doing while he's enjoying the ambience at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina?
He's learning Morse Code, for heaven's sake!
Morse Code!
That's like... a foreign language from outer space, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Hey GB, looks like it's time to catch some Z's. Sleep well and add more later. I will tell everyone you said Hi tonight at the game.


Anonymous said...

GB I think it was easier to lean that than the flags the Navy use. In the winter of 67 I started my tour of South Korea. I can tell you what ******cold is like. The South in South Korea is not like our SOUTH, HF

Cissy Apple said...


That sums up my knowledge of Morse Code. Just hope when I'm trapped in a collapsed building surrounded by metal pipes and a hammer, I remember this sequence.

Greybeard said...

They don't call it "The Chosun Frozen" for nothin', HF!
And Semaphore? Look, I'm knocked out by the fact you and TD learned "Code"...
You learned Semaphore too?
It's no wonder you're strange, man...
Had to scramble your brain!

Cissy, I know that one too, but mostly because there's a commercial on TV right now using it!

Anonymous said...

No I didn't learn semaphore my Dad tried to teach me I was too dumb. The reason I'm strange is growing up in the Valley you know that. Carol scrambled my brain alone time ago. HF

Anonymous said...

Aw, HF, what a sweet thing to say about Carol. But we already knew that. We noticed that way back in school!


Anonymous said...

Ferdy, She still makes my eyes sparkle.

Greybeard said...

In an era when it seems men and women do not have the will to respect their wedding vows...
When there is a website openly being advertised on major networks that will "hook up" men and women wanting to cheat on their spouses...
It's heartwarming to think of you two and the love and trust you have shared for all these years.
And the best part of it?
You're openly sharing that love with all of us.
Bless you sir.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what GB says! I'm so happy for you, H & C.
