Monday, April 12, 2010

Old Friend...New Friends

The drive was longer than it should've been, but Spring got a little farther along with each mile south.  We rarely see wysteria in Indiana, but here it grew wild and abundantly, often reaching the top of the tallest trees.  And it was in full bloom.  Taking the "scenic route" to avoid the stopped traffic on the 65S entrances in Nashville, we passed through a couple of beautiful towns we never would've seen otherwise.  It was worth the extra hour or so on the road.

When we reached our destination, a guy was in the front yard.  I asked him if he was with the Center Grove group, and he verified that he was.  After he introduced himself, I asked if he had any brothers.  Sure enough...I had graduated with his brother Terry.  Although Terry and I never ran in the same circles, I knew he was a nice guy.  His brother was bound to be the same.

We met everyone else there, and they were in the final stages of supper preparation.  We gladly accepted the invitation to share in the meal.  It had been a 12-hour trip and we were hungry.  The ham, green beans, and taters tasted great--so did dessert.  After the cleanup, we waited for the last couple to arrive.  GB and his wife were the only ones we'd met before.  We were strangers to the rest of the group, but I had a common thread with them--we were graduates of Center Grove High School.

Over the next few days, fish were caught, fish tales were told, and the fish was cleaned and fried.  We played "Hand and Foot" and I loved the card game so much that I've already ordered all the stuff I need from Amazon.  (I can't wait to teach my family.)  We toured southern mansions, gardens, and a plantation.  We enjoyed a few bottles of wine, and gave away a few bottles.  And although my husband and I planned on fishing, we enjoyed just sitting and visiting so much that we just stayed on land.  Besides, the real fishermen of the group were doing a great job, as you can see by the photo above.

I've met a lot of nice people in my life, but these old classmates were among the nicest I've ever met.  Not once did I feel out of place.  I think my husband and I have another set of friends, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone again and again.  Before the trip was over, I was thinking about the next trip.  Wherever it is, it's bound to be a fun time.

Thanks to all of you for extending your hands in friendship to us.  It's a blessing to get to know all of you.  And I've got a feeling that Mr. V. had a hand in orchestrating this whole thing.

Love to our new friends,
~Cissy (AKA: Helen)


Greybeard said...

I look at these pictures and that's what I see. Some of my schoolmates are now every bit as close as family, and two new VK's are on their way to achieving that status.

What a wonderful break.
Except for the rain on Thursday (which actually gave us all a chance to relax and catch our breath), the weather could not have been more perfect. And that rain was a blessing that cleaned the air of much of the pollen resulting from all the gorgeous flora blooming around us.

Cissy you have a gift. My son has it too...
I have a perfectly good camera and I point it and push the button just like both of you, but I get a dramatically different result. Your photos are beautiful. I hope you'll share more of them with us here.

I too look forward to our next get-together, probably the alumni banquet. It's now less than two months away. As TD indicated, if we start now to remind class and schoolmates to call and remind others, maybe we'll get a chance to get reacquainted with a bunch of folks we haven't seen in over forty years.
Let's do that.
Start now folks!

TwoDogs said...

I agree w/GB. Cissy, you take a great picture and write a great post as well. You are also pretty good at striking a pose after a mad dash - Not bad...

LeRoy, I am now looking for a reason to uncork the Chocolate Rasberry. Is wine good with breakfast??

I learned the difference between a Carolina Rig and a Texas Rig. Learned how to 'set up' my new bait caster and even caught a few fish. All Thanks to Harry - the guy holding the BIG fish. Thanks, Harry and Carol for all that you done this past week.

Cissy, Thank You for the pictures. For those that were not able to make this gathering - See what you missed.

Even though the time went much faster than we wanted - it was a great time. Like many of our gatherings in the past - Vandy was in attendance. He does continue to look over us. I believe, in a sense, is even still guiding us along. And that is a good feeling..

Cissy Apple said...

I don't think you could exactly call my feeble attempts to get into the picture before the timer went off a "mad dash". It was more like a hurried waddle!

I had a Lean Cuisine fish dinner for lunch today, and it didn't compare to that fried fish we had just a few days ago. But it was fast, cheap, and relatively heathy.

I'll get some more photos posted in a bit, but I need to run to the nursing home to visit my cousin.

Miss you guys...

the golden horse said...

I loved the pictures and enjoyed them so much. I am glad all had a great time. I was there with you in spirit.
You can't get ahead of Harry when it comes to catching the big ones. He is going to have his own TV program after retirement. Well, he should anyway.
You all look happy and relaxed, that is the important thing.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everyone had a great time; but not unexpected ! Next up is the alumni banquet, see you all in June.


Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to June!!


Anonymous said...

Cissy - What beautiful pictures you took! What a great reminder of the friends, azalas, and sunshine. I get a feeling of restfulness when I look at your pictures.....why I can almost smell the flowers!

Hawk and I had an amazing vacation with every one of the VKs.

Mrs. Hawk (AKA:Barb)

CnC said...

I wanna go, Cissy you didn't tell me you were going, I never get to go anywhere, just wait till I tell mom you went and you didn't take your little brother, your in big trouble!